MSDE and BCPS require students to have a 94% attendance rate. Six days absent for the first
two quarters would be approximately 94%. Your child's first page of his/her report card
indicates his/her percentage of attendance. Principals are asked to closely monitor students'
attendance due to the huge impact it has on student achievement.
We realize that students get sick and have medical appointments that keep them out of school.
When you visit the doctors or hospitals, please ask for a note for the school and have your
child give it to his/her teacher when he/she returns. If you do not take your child to the doctor,
please send in a note explaining the absence.
If your child is reluctant or resistant to coming to school, please contact the principal. Also,
please make every effort to have your child attend part of the school day if they have a
medical appointment. Being at school part of the day is better than not at all. We appreciate
your help as we work together to improve our students' attendance at school.
A student is counted present for a full day if the student is in attendance four hours or more of
the school day. A student is counted present for 1/2 day if in attendance for at least two hours
of the school day, but less than four hours.
The following are considered excused absences:
- Illness of the Student
- Death in the Immediate Family
- Court Summons of a child
- Observance of a Religious Holiday
Additional Resources
BCPS Attendance Policy
Attendance Success Plan Document
Attendance Works Site