What is the PTA?
What do the letters PTA stand for? They stand for Parent Teacher Association. The PTA is a membership organization. The PTA sponsors many exciting, fun and educational activities and programs. By joining you are not committing to any particular task or meeting, but rather just saying you want to have a voice in your child’s school.
You’re invited…..
to join the Deer Park Elementary PTA. You can join by completing the membership form and returning it to the school with the $5.00 membership fee. Membership must be renewed each year so previous members, please sign on again!!
Monthly Meetings
The Deer Park Elementary PTA meets on the first Tuesday of the month virtually.
Melissa Sivels
Ena Ogboriefon
Latrece Ross
Important links
P.T.A. Membership Form
P.T.A. Facebook Page
If you have any questions or concerns please email the PTA at:
[email protected]